China’s Amazing Piano House

I’ve heard of piano majors living in a practice room… but practicing in a piano? That’s new!

I came across this picture on Facebook yesterday, where it had only the caption “A music school in China”. Of course, I had to know more, so I did some looking. As it turns out, this is a building — called, appropriately enough, the “Piano House” — designed and constructed by the Hefei University School of Architecture in Huainan City, China. It serves as a practice facility for the college’s music students, as well as a showcase for the architecture department.

The school — and by extension the Chinese government — hopes that the building will help to draw people to the newly developed area. Evidently the violin, which houses the stairs and escalator that provides access to the piano, also contains city plans and development prospects for the area meant to entice others to bring their business to this otherwise fairly remote location.

Whether that works out or not, architecture that combines creativity, functionality, and beauty is something to be admired! Here are some more pictures for your viewing pleasure:

It looks like a pretty happening place! I haven’t been able to find any pictures of the interior, though. If anyone comes across them, please point me in the right direction!

3 comments on “China’s Amazing Piano House

  1. vicki says:

    Couldn’t find interior photos, but here’s a photo from above:

  2. Hi! I saw the same photo on fb and just sat down to do research on it and your blog popped up. I have quoted from your blog, credited you, and added your url in my comments about the photo at . Thanks so much!

  3. Mr. Mhister says:

    They should add a giant torch singer!

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